Data’s In: Movies With Women Make More Money. So Why Is Hollywood Resisting?

“These are just a few of the many, many studies that all prove the exact same thing: Movies that have women in them make money. In fact, years with the healthiest total box office revenue also tended to be the most female-friendly. Despite these findings, Hollywood has been very slow to change—whether it’s in terms of gender diversity, racial inclusion, or LGBT representation.”

Analyst: The End Of Music Downloads Is Near

Midia Research founder Mark Mulligan, who’s spent more than a decade scrutinizing the digital-music market, predicts the music download business will stutter at around $600 million in 2019—a depressing fall from $3.9 billion in 2012, when Apple’s iTunes Store (the world’s preeminent downloads platform) was at its revenue peak. In 2015, downloads declined by 16%, and they look to slide as much as 30% more this year.

Why Americans Tend To Discount The Role Of Sheer Luck In Success (And Get Furious When You Remind Them Of It)

“Part of the problem is hindsight bias, of course – hard work and merit constitute a tighter, more linear and straightforward story, and therefore one that’s easier to process cognitively. The other problem is that people tend to react very poorly to any ideas that chip away at their sense of who they are.”

Robert Wilson Stages A Hermès Furnishings Show

“The man with the parrot on his shoulder was preening as he examined necklaces before a vanity’s mirror. The woman in a feathered dress was clutching a crystal on the floor. All around them, under a canopy of suspended couches, chairs and wicker baskets, expensively suited executives of Hermès, the French luxury-goods company, were beaming.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 05.12.16

The deepest power of classical music
I got chills at the end of The Rhinegold (as they called it at the Washington National Opera Ring, though they did the cycle in German). And I cried at the end of The Valkyrie. That’s one way to measure the power of this production, … read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2016-05-12

If Antony Tudor Wrote a Novel
Girl Through Glass, Sari Wilson’s debut novel about the 1970s New York ballet world, focuses on the imprint of George Balanchine on the young dancers in the city. … read more
AJBlog: Fresh Pencil Published 2016-05-12

Arhoolie Records (a dozen faves) to Smithsonian
Excellent news on the archival recordings front: Arhoolie Records, the 55-year old treasury of American folk and vernacular musics, has been acquired by … read more
AJBlog: Jazz Beyond Jazz Published 2016-05-12

Are We Still Awake? My Storify on Christie’s Impressionist/Modern Snooze
I don’t know about you, but I’m experiencing severe auction fatigue, which is not nearly as rewarding as museum fatigue. So let’s cut to the chase and get right to my Storify account … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2016-05-12


Why Hasn’t The Teaching Of Philosophy In American Colleges Diversified Beyond European History?

“Given the importance of non-European traditions in both the history of world philosophy and in the contemporary world, and given the increasing numbers of students in our colleges and universities from non-European backgrounds, this is astonishing. No other humanities discipline demonstrates this systematic neglect of most of the civilizations in its domain.”