Britain’s Labour Party Promises “Culture For All” Policy

The manifesto identifies the creative industries as “the envy of the world, a source of national pride, a driver of inward investment and tourism and a symbol of the kind of country we are now and aspire to be in the future”. As Britain prepares to leave the EU, it states that Labour will “put our world-class creative sector at the heart of our negotiations and future industrial strategy”.

Now Even World-Famous Art Installations Like The Rain Room Have Chinese Knock-Offs

Ever since Random International’s wildly popular Rain Room was shown at a Shanghai museum in 2015, unauthorized copies have been spreading across China (there were two of them in the city before the museum show even closed), and now there are agencies where you can rent a one. Shanghai now has a permanent one at what seems to be an art-installation theme park – it also has knock-offs of Yayoi Kusama’s Dot Obsession and Infinity Rooms and a Van Gogh Starry Night hall of mirrors.