An Orchestra Rises Again In Milwaukee

“The Milwaukee Chamber Orchestra, founded in 1974, ran into serious financial problems in May 2005, canceled the last two programs of the season and wasn’t heard from again until last June. Now the organization has raised enough money to pay off its old debt. Although the musicians were never paid for the two canceled concerts, many of them will return to play the upcoming program, which calls for a string orchestra of 22.”

A Change In UK Arts Funding?

“Last week’s announcement of the gift of a £10m endowment for the Royal Opera House from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation is a symbol of a transformation in arts funding in this country. At last, the big arts organisations are growing up and taking charge of their own affairs. Perhaps, as some now believe, we can look forward to the complete end of state arts in the near future.”

Writing The Ending Will Be Awfully Tough

The Iraq War, and all of its attending conflict and drama, will soon be heading to a movie theater near you. “With little fanfare, Hollywood has begun chronicling and critiquing the Iraq war even before it has ended… Almost all [of the] upcoming projects reflect the zeitgeist of a nation increasingly opposed to a conflict that has already cost tens of thousands of lives and shows no signs of abating.”

Is Tate Modern Prostituting Itself?

Tate Modern has entered into an extensive partnership with investment bank UBS, under which the museum will showcase works from the bank’s extensive art collection. But as much as Tate Modern may need UBS’s money, doesn’t such a deal indicate a betrayal of the museum’s core mission? “Tate Modern belongs to the British people. Its space cannot be sold, its codes must not be breached simply because the government doesn’t care to support it as it should.”

More CBS Firings Over Racist Rhetoric

The two New York shock jocks suspended last month for a racially charged on-air stunt involving a call to a Chinese restaurant have been fired by CBS Radio. CBS has been at the center of controversy involving envelope-pushing DJs ever since Don Imus slurred a group of African-American women’s basketball players earlier in the spring.