Are “Best Of” Albums A Thing Of The Past?

“In an age when we can create our own album in a few rapid mouseclicks – we’ll decide what the best of Radiohead is, thanks very much Mr Hands – the contract-filling compilation seems increasingly obsolete. Few will mourn its passing. It has always been the runt of the album litter; they’re not ‘proper’ albums, after all. Just cheap, cynical exercises in making money from old rope.”

Scholar/Museum Director Arrested In Southern Cal Museum Investigation

In January, the FBI raided several Southern California museums, looking for smuggled antiquities. Now “an internationally recognized expert on Asian antiquities has been arrested and indicted on a federal wire fraud charge stemming from an ongoing investigation into the importation of stolen or looted antiquities from Southeast Asia.”

NYTimes Cuts Five From Arts Staff; Holland, Dunning, Van Gelder Take Buyouts

“Among those taking the recently offered buyouts are Bernard Holland, music critic; Jennifer Dunning, dance critic; Diane Nottle, deputy editor for classical music and dance; Gwen Smith, assignments coordinator for dance and art; and Lawrence Van Gelder, senior editor. That leaves Alastair Macaulay as the only full-time dance critic at the Times.”