Co-Productions, Taken To The Next Level

“Co-productions between nonprofit theaters, whether crosstown or cross-country, are becoming ubiquitous … But three Off-Off-Broadway groups are taking the idea to a new level. They’re not only sharing resources and expenses to mount three new plays in a four-week repertory; they’re relinquishing their identities in the process.” Is this a good idea?

Recreating The Armada Tapestries

The legendary pieces of textile propaganda were commissioned in 1592 by Lord Howard to commemorate England’s victory over “the swarthy Spanish dastards.” They spent nearly two centuries adorning the Lords chamber in Westminster Palace until they were destroyed in an 1834 fire. Now they’re being recreated – but in paint on canvas.

Are We On The Threshold Of Brave New World?

“We are on the brink of technological breakthroughs that could augment our mental powers beyond recognition. It will soon be possible to boost human brainpower with electronic ‘plug-ins’ or even by genetic enhancement. What will this mean for the future of humanity? … Would it widen the gulf between the world’s haves and have-nots – and perhaps even lead to a distinct and dominant species with unmatchable powers of intellect?”

Cloud Gate Founder Wins Lifetime Achievement Award At Movimentos

“Praised as a major innovator in the field of dance, Taiwanese choreographer Lin Hwai-min was presented with a Movimentos lifetime achievement award Tuesday. Lin, founder and artistic director of the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, is only the second choreographer to receive the honor … The jury ranked Lin’s contributions to the creativity of dance on the same level as those of George Balanchine, Maurice Béjart, [and] William Forsythe.”

Is Rocco Landesman The NEA’s Ticket Back To Relevance?

“Any guy who could bring Tony Kushner’s ‘Angels in America’ to Broadway, as Landesman did at his company’s Walter Kerr Theatre in 1993, represents a big step in the right direction. The reason is simple. The NEA cannot be successful, whatever its format, unless successful people working full-time in the arts are addressing the powerful work of their most talented peers.”

Rattle Re-Ups At Berlin Phil Through 2018

Sorry, Philadelphia. “Simon Rattle said Wednesday that he would remain the chief conductor of the world-renowned Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra until 2018,” an extension of six years. Despite rumors of a “turbulent” relationship between Rattle and his players, “he is extremely popular with Berlin’s passionate music lovers and his concerts are routinely sold out.”