Was Opera Company Right To Cancel Controversial Tannhauser?

“To some commentators, the Dusseldorf Tannhauser was a stretch: the opera is set in the Middle Ages and based on a ballad about a bard called Tannhäuser. Yet the intention of the director, Burkhard Kosminski, had a logic that many could understand. In the month of Wagner’s bicentennial, he wanted to link the opera to the Holocaust – an event which the composer’s own ardent anti-Semitism seemed to presage.”

The Librotraficantes Of Arizona

A 2010 Arizona law “that prohibited school districts from offering courses that, among other things, ‘promoted resentment toward any race or class” and “advocated ethnic solidarity instead of being individuals.’ … [led to] the removal of books from school libraries, including such incendiary texts as The Tempest.” Enter the book traffickers …

The Great Gatsby – Can The Movie Work As Well As Cliff’s Notes?

“For whatever reason, Gatsby was consigned to my particular version of the list of classic books one pretends to have read while making small talk at dinner parties. My status as a Gatsby virgin, though personally embarrassing, proved useful to my editors.” J. Bryan Lowder takes a multiple-choice test and tries to write a high-school essay on the book after seeing Baz Luhrmann’s film version.