Spotify Aims At “Music Obsessives” As It Experiments With Formats

The content partnership highlights two interesting details about Spotify’s plans for future growth. First, it’s an indicator that Spotify’s audiobook content goals are aimed at superfans of the music streaming service: 33 1/3 is a series written by and for music obsessives, offering up installments about obscure classics alongside more well-known names like David Bowie, Nirvana, or Radiohead.

How Indie Magazines Are Hacking The Publishing Industry

Independent publishing, far from dying, is undergoing a renaissance. These are not the A4-sized, glossy, free-DVD-inside commodities that dominate the newsstand. These are as much objects as magazines, collectible and shareable in the best sense of the word. These are magazines that play with the form, from open binding to multiple paper stocks. Their subject matter is as diverse as their production techniques, from mental health to trans rights, from football to street wear. They are driven by a passion, both for their content, and the printed form, and thanks to technology, they are able to reach audiences around the world. From Twitter to Instagram, from Patreon to Kickstarter, it’s never been easier to build an audience, and sell your creation to them.

TV Networks Battle For Ad Dollars That Might Have Peaked

Magna Global, the Interpublic Group media-research unit, believes TV’s power to woo new dollars from Madison Avenue has peaked. Magna believes national TV hit a high in 2016 when it captured $43.3 billion dollars from advertisers; it now expects national TV to lure $41 billion in 2018. Meanwhile, it’s calling for digital media this year to capture half of all ad dollars spent – he equivalent of $97 billion spent across search and display; digital video; and social.