‘Glorious Leader!’, The New Kim Jong Un Video Game

“Democratic People’s Republic of Korea commands you to know that the capitalistic pigs at Moneyhorse LLC, are developing Glorious Leader!” In the guise of Kim III, players can shoot down US paratroopers, face down an American tank in front of the Juche Monument, ride a narwhal through a mined harbor, and meet Dennis Rodman on a basketball court. (includes trailer)

The First Children’s Picture Book

“Originally published in 1658 in Latin and German,” Orbis Sensualium Pictus – or The World of Things Obvious to the Senses drawn in Pictures, as it was rendered in English – “with its 150 pictures showing everyday activities like brewing beer, tending gardens, and slaughtering animals, is immediately familiar as an ancestor of today’s children’s literature.”

The Robots That Are Teaching Language To Young Kids

“Unlike educational TV shows, say, the robots are physically present and have some of the same social skills as humans. That gives them the potential to tap into a child’s appetite for one-to-one communication and help kids learn in many of the same ways a human teacher does. This is especially important when it comes to language skills.”