Documenta Arrives In Athens, And Athenians Are Not Pleased

There’s been some talk lately of the Greek capital becoming the next Berlin – a large-and-low-priced city where artists can afford to settle and work. The arrival this year of Documenta – the first time the super-hot art shindig has left its German hometown – was expected to legitimize Athens’s standing as a contemporary art center. But the locals aren’t having it.

British Architects Are Starting To Flip Out About Brexit

They’re not happy with the Tories’ discussion of forcing non-British EU members – who make up a considerable number of their coworkers – to leave. “We are appalled that the government should use those who have made considerable personal and professional commitments to this country, and who enrich our culture, as a negotiating chip. This is not the behaviour of a civilised society.”

Why Hotspur Makes Sense As A Woman In ‘Henry IV, Part I’

At the Oregon Shakespeare Festival this year, the role of Hotspur is played by Alejandra Escalante, and it works brilliantly. “She’s too much. She’s too blunt and too loud and she never stops talking. She knows what she’s worth, and she’s worked hard to prove it, but these days that isn’t enough anymore. Now everyone says she needs to be quieter, needs to be gentler, needs to not be the things – aggressive, impulsive, passionate, utterly wholly constantly sincere – that have helped her claw her way to where she is. Which Shakespeare heroine? Why, Harry Percy.”