Making Profitable Use Of The “Geek Grapevine”

“Silicon Valley isn’t usually where aspiring authors go to kick-start a literary reputation. But for first-time novelist Leinad Zeraus, it proved the ideal launching pad: Sans publicist, promotional budget, or even publisher, Zeraus scored encomiums for his debut work, Daemon. How’d he do it? By courting bloggers and influential techies like Joi Ito, Stewart Brand, and Craig Newmark — demonstrating that if you can get the geek grapevine on your side, you don’t need Random House.”

SPAC Getting A Green Facelift

The Saratoga Performing Arts Center in upstate New York, which plays home to New York City Ballet and the Philadelphia Orchestra in summer, is getting a $2.5m makeover. SPAC “will replace its 1960s-era brown wood exterior with a wavy, tan-colored facade constructed from recycled paper, sustainable forest products and plastic resins.”

Chicago Theatre Scene To Get Yet Another Venue

Chicago’s North Side is getting a stately new theatre, as investors have purchased a classical revival-style building with plans to convert it into an arts center which will become home to the Porchlight Music Theatre troupe.”The interior of the building… will be designed by Chicago architect John Morris, whose local projects have included the Steppenwolf, Lookingglass and Raven theaters.”

Honolulu Windfall (Finally!)

After months of not being paid, musicians and staffers at the Honolulu Symphony can finally breathe again, with the announcement of a $1.175m gift from an anonymous donor. Musicians were given 7 weeks of back pay, and the symphony is expected to raise more money at this weekend’s annual fundraising ball.

Too Little, Too Late In Columbus?

Efforts are underway both inside and outside the Columbus Symphony to keep the orchestra from folding in a few weeks. “Patrons, musicians and others have hosted or plan to host concerts and other events to help the orchestra.” But the CSO’s executive director says that the money being raised is nowhere near enough to solve the organization’s problems.