Medieval Wall Paintings Of Becket’s Murder Unveiled – In Spain

“As a way of asking God to forgive her father [King Henry II of England], Eleanor commissioned paintings of the murder of Becket to adorn the walls of a church in the northern Spanish town of Soria. … [T]hree decades ago, builders were stabilising the ruin when they re-discovered these medieval paintings in excellent condition.” This week, protective wood and glass were removed temporarily to reveal these paintings and raise finds for their restoration.

Video Games Exploring The Edge Of Reality

“Where do fictional characters ‘live’? “That is, when you’re not reading them on the page or watching them on the screen? Do they go back to a design document? Are they stuck in a sketchbook? Do they lumber around your subconscious? When nobody’s thinking about them, do they vanish, until a trade paperback or a lost film reel brings them back to mind?”