Bollywood Megastar’s Post-Baby Weight Gain Causes Huge Debate In India

The furor is over whether Aishwarya Rai, “the woman routinely referred to as the most beautiful in the world, and who occupies a place in Indian popular culture akin to Kate Middleton or Victoria Beckham, has an obligation to her fans to lose weight” six months after giving birth. Until relatively recently, Bollywood stars generally had healthy curves and hourglass figures.

Making A Mark: Dance And Social Justice

“But increasingly, community outreach is just the tip of the iceberg, and artists and social justice organizations are finding mutual benefits to deeper and more prolonged partnerships. That deliberate choice of engagement, as opposed to outreach, seeks to erase some of the traditional hierarchies between dancers and community members.”

What Made Bill Viola Into A Video Artist?

“Falling into a lake aged six, when I was on holiday in the mountains. I went straight to the bottom and saw the most beautiful world I’d ever seen: fish, shafts of light, plants waving in the breeze. I thought I was in heaven. I’d have stayed there had my uncle not pulled me up. That’s why my art has so much to do with water – because I dream about going back to that place.”

American Heresy: Death Of A Salesman Is ‘A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Mediocrity’

Giles Harvey: “I found myself squirming in my seat from boredom and exasperation, amazed at how much glaringly conventional stagecraft Salesman was able to pack into its two acts. The rising action, the dramatic irony, the laborious, grandstanding speeches … I kept wanting to exclaim, ‘It sounds like a play!'”