Uncertainty Will Set You Free

“Religions are often built around this heartache for certainty. In the face of sickness, loss and grief, a thousand dogmas with a thousand names have risen. … [Yet the] world’s history of spiritual endeavor contains many beautiful descriptions of authentic encounters with uncertainty. Ironically these often serve as gateways to the most compassionate experience of what can be called sacred in human life.”

What A Difference Some Props Make

“We get that Shakespeare wouldn’t be Shakespeare – and unimaginative programme designers the world over would be up the proverbial creek – without Desdemona’s handkerchief or Macbeth’s dagger. … But what about the impact prop choice can have within a production? What creative freedoms, extended by the playwright to the props person, can affect the outcome of a show?

Carlos Fuentes, 83

“[The] politically engaged Mexican novelist and irrepressible bon vivant … stood at the forefront of Latin American letters for more than half a century … In addition to his career as a novelist, Mr. Fuentes led an intellectually restless life as a political provocateur, an essayist, a screenwriter and playwright, an editor, an ambassador and a cultural historian.”

Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet: From Vanity Project To Powerhouse In A Decade

“The troupe’s first two years didn’t do much to dispel the idea that it was a rich woman’s whim: there was no headquarters and few performances … Nearly 10 years later, the 16-member Cedar Lake … [is] possibly the country’s most innovative contemporary ballet troupe with an A-list repertoire, and an accent on creation that few companies worldwide can match.”

Lady Gaga Denied Permission To Perform In Jakarta

The national police say that they cannot guarantee public safety at the singer’s sold-out arena concert because of objections by hardline Islamic militants. Says the leader of one such group, “She’s a vulgar singer who wears only panties and a bra when she sings and she stated she is the envoy of the devil’s child and that she will spread satanic teaching. This is dangerous.”