So, What Is A Philosopher, Anyway?

“There are as many definitions of philosophy as there are philosophers – perhaps there are even more. After three millennia of philosophical activity and disagreement, it is unlikely that we’ll reach consensus … What I’d like to do in the opening column in this new venture – The Stone – is to kick things off by asking a slightly different question: what is a philosopher?”

How We Misunderstand Our Proverbs

Take Nietzsche’s “What does not kill me, makes me stronger,” for instance. “What’s been mistaken here is a resolution for a fact. As a simple statement of fact, that is not true … Unfortunately, a lot of people are made much weaker by their misfortunes.” And lightning does strike the same place twice, and so on.

South Korea Launches Its First Opera Festival

“The inaugural edition of the event is aimed at introducing the country’s top opera ensembles and bringing the genre closer to the general public. … Organized by the [Korean National Opera] and the Opera Society of Korea, the festival features the state-backed ensemble and four civilian troupes that were chosen among the 85 that are part of the Opera Society.”