The Only Way To Break Through Some People’s Prejudices May Be To Trick Them: Study

When a group of straight male students were given a story about a protagonist like themselves, but who was revealed late in the story to be gay, they showed more empathy to the character (and were less likely to stereotype him) than were students who knew the character was gay – or was straight – from the start. Results were similar when white readers read stories about black characters. Publishers already know (or sense) this, but catch hell when they act on it.

Melbourne’s Top Art Museum Still Won’t Let People Sketch There – And Said People Are Angry

“A groundswell of anger about [the National Gallery of Victoria’s] restrictions on visitors sketching, painting or even taking notes has the gallery scrambling to amend and defend its guidelines. And a group of eminent local artists has joined a campaign to persuade those in charge to throw open its doors freely to those who want to paint before its great works.”