Dance That’s All Show

“One venerable dance critic has sniffed at Matthew Bourne’s habit of ‘turning some of ballet’s older masterpieces upside-down and shaking them to see what falls out of their pockets’. Others consider him not so much a choreographer as a showy producer. Bourne doesn’t care and neither do audiences.”

The Man Who Bought The Bacon And Freud

“Neither Sotheby’s nor Christie’s disclose information on buyers but sources close to the market confirm that Roman Abramovich, whose fortune is estimated at £11.7bn by The Sunday Times’s Rich List, purchased both lots, apparently for display in his London home. He has not previously been known to purchase works of art at this level.”

Britain’s Worst Poet

William MacGonagall has “long been celebrated as Britain’s worst poet, inspiring satirical tributes to his doggerel awfulness from Spike Milligan, Monty Python and even the Muppets. Now the poet, who was once pelted with fruit during his readings and who his own appreciation society call ‘without talent’, is in demand.”

A Mask Of “Sincerity”

“We want our politicians to be sincere, so that we can know they are not hiding anything from us. So all politicians are ceaselessly probed for the little inconsistencies, double standards, concealments and obfuscations that indicate a hypocrite, by opponents who know what damage that label can do. This obsession with sincerity, and loathing of bogus sentiment, has benefited some politicians and damaged others.”