AGO Unveils New Logo To Go With New Building

“In anticipation of opening its massively renovated home this fall, the Art Gallery of Ontario unveiled its new logo yesterday. The two-dimensional design has a multicoloured effect around the edge of its letters, creating an optical trick meant to symbolize the vibrancy of the museum… The logo cost less than $100,000, relatively low as corporate branding goes, and is part of the overall $254-million price tag of the renovation.”

ART Finally Taps New Director

“Diane Paulus, an acclaimed theater and opera director and creator of the off-Broadway hit The Donkey Show, has been named the new artistic director of [Boston’s] American Repertory Theatre… The appointment ends an exhaustive and at times turbulent search that has stretched well over a year, during which one top candidate turned the job offer down.”

The World’s Most Expensive Opera Prop

“For its latest revival of Tosca, opening Saturday, Los Angeles Opera has obtained a rare stage artifact — the jewelry worn by Maria Callas in 1956 for her Metropolitan Opera debut as Giacomo Puccini’s tragic heroine… The three-piece set, which consists of a tiara, earrings and a fanned-out necklace, is worth approximately $85,000.”

Garrels Leaving Hammer For SFMOMA

“Gary Garrels, the highly sought-after curator who has helped raise the profile of the UCLA Hammer Museum in Los Angeles and beyond, is jumping ship. The Hammer snagged Garrels, 56, from the Museum of Modern Art in New York three years ago. But now he is moving to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art as senior curator of painting and sculpture.”

Eschenbach’s Philadelphia Swan Song

“Christoph Eschenbach’s all-Schubert final subscription concert as Philadelphia Orchestra music director was neither daring nor fail-safe. But it was certainly a reminder of what an individualistic musical thinker the community is losing, and of how resourceful he can be… at channeling the orchestra’s best qualities into something well beyond the luxury of its sound.”

Kids Finding It Harder To Buy Ultra-Violent Video Games

“According to the results of a new ‘mystery shopper’ campaign by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, kids under 17 years of age were turned away 80 per cent of the time when trying to purchase or rent a mature-rated video game… The 80 per cent turn-down rate represents a 38 per cent improvement [from] 2006, and 433 per cent better than the turn-down rate measured in 2000, the year the study was launched.”

The Importance Of Being Billy

Casting the stage version of Billy Eliot has been one of the most complicated things Broadway has even done. Somehow, though, producers have managed to find three little boys who can sing, dance, act, and confidently carry a multi-million dollar show, night after night after night. Until their voices change or they get too tall, that is…

The Enduring Power Of An Old Form

The oratorio, a form to which high-profile contemporary composers have been returning in increasing numbers, is a bit hard to pin down. It’s an ostensibly sacred model imposed on an increasingly secular world. But “the religious oratorio model also offers a frame for one of classical music’s clear functions… At a time of national tragedy, for instance, music snaps clearly into focus.”

African Art Museum Losing Director

“Citing the recent change in the top leadership at the Smithsonian Institution, Sharon F. Patton announced yesterday that she is leaving as director of the National Museum of African Art at year’s end. Patton, 64, an art historian who taught at Oberlin College and the University of Michigan, came to the museum in 2003.”