Blockbusters Lining Up To Be Flops

“Of the expensive action and animated movies, we’ve never had a summer where more than nine did well, and often it’s fewer. This summer you’ve got 17 blockbusters coming out between May and July, 19 if you add August. Is this going to be by far the biggest summer box office in history? Maybe, if they’re all great movies, but it’s not likely.”

Raid On Prominent Manhattan Gallery

“As newspaper photographers gathered around, agents hauled away computers and boxes of documents as part of a sweeping investigation involving the gallery’s owner, Hillel Nahmad, 34, who is known as Helly and is accused along with several others of playing leadership roles in a $100 million gambling and money-laundering network with connections to Russian organized-crime figures.”

Artificial Intelligence Computers Could Begin Taking Over For Lawyers

“Software tools are already important in the legal world, especially for big cases like company mergers, where algorithms help people comb through vast piles of documents. But the application of artificial intelligence to the law promises to go beyond document mining. It aims to let automated systems handle arguments where the logic is not clear.”