Should Brecht Be Buried?

Bertold Brecht was an avowed Communist, a fact which is rarely mentioned when his work is performed. “There are three possible responses to an artist who dedicated his life to a monstrous cause. The first is to deodorise him by pretending he was really a liberal humanist, which Brecht certainly was not. The second is to do what the British theatre never does and have an adult argument… The third option is to shrug and walk away.”

Why Is The NY Phil So Hung Up On Muti?

The grumbling over Riccardo Muti’s appointment as Chicago Symphony music director doesn’t seem to be abating within the ranks of the New York Philharmonic, and Anthony Tommasini is confused: “Mr. Muti would have been all wrong for New York. I, for one, could not be more hopeful about [Alan] Gilbert’s potential. But I thought that the Philharmonic players all would have shared my enthusiasm.”

Choreographing Your Wedding (Literally)

Planning a wedding is always a complex undertaking. There are flowers to be ordered, the vows to be written, the choreographer to be hired… yes, we said choreographer. “For contemporary choreographers and dancers… as well as nondancers savvy enough to employ an atypical professional service, the traditional first dance is anything but.”