Adam & Eve + Milton + Global Warming = Jonathan Dove’s New Opera

Jonathan Dove’s new “church opera” came about because he took a trip to the Arctic – and decided to make art out of climate change. “I thought Adam and Eve could make a journey down the nave of Salisbury Cathedral that lasted 45 minutes. … It would cover the time between them being banished from the Garden of Eden and actually walking out of the gate. It would go through their different emotions, remembering how wonderful Eden was and the things they’d lost, but also offering some hope for the future.”

Machine Makes A Twitter Symphony, Or At Least A Soundtrack

“The machine is a piece of software that monitors the Twitter activity of 500 people selected from eight different fields — arts, business, education, health, politics, science, sport and technology. Whenever these people post an update, the properties of the tweet are analyzed in terms of the sound and meaning of the words, and generates music based on it.”

California’s Artists May Now Be Screwed On Resale Royalties,Thanks To Judge

“Under the U.S. Copyright Act (in contrast to many copyright regimes in Europe), once a piece of art is sold all rights to the physical work belong to the buyer. No matter how much the art appreciates in value, artists aren’t due a penny when the work is resold. All of the profits belong to sellers, not to creators.There is only one exception to that rule in the United States: the 1977 California Resale Royalties Act, a so-called droit de suite law that grants artists a continuing interest in their work when it changes hands.” Now a judge has said the California law is unconstitutional – sorry, artists.

Keeping The Family Together Through Storytelling – That Is, Audiobooks

“Wilson missed a step in his account of our early socialization: the moment someone first got up in front of the fire and told a story that showed the others — especially the children — the magnificence of the universe around them, and made them want to be bigger-souled than they’d been so far. Somewhat further down the evolutionary path, our family does its campfire storytelling by way of audiobooks in the car.”

What’s The Hot Thing At Cannes This Year? Literary Adaptations

“The Cannes festival is, famously, the keeper of the flame of the auteur tradition. … Since the turn of the millennium, only two winners of the Palme d’Or have been literary adaptations: Roman Polanski’s The Pianist, and Laurent Cantet’s The Class. … This year, however, things are different: it is a bookworm’s Cannes, with directors as likely to have had their noses buried in novels as dreaming up original ideas.”