National Theatre Sneakily Does Away With Plus Ones For Reviewers

“On a press relations level, the move smacked of sour grapes – a retaliatory swipe at Fleet Street for not cooing over every offering in Rufus Norris’s strong but hardly faultless first year. On a pecuniary level, it’s hard to see how redistributing that modest allocation to other (presumably online) outlets in the name of broadening critical diversity and bringing in new audiences stacks up.”

Why Lindy West Feeds The Trolls

“I don’t care about ‘feed the trolls’ versus ‘don’t feed the trolls.’ I care about me, and what makes me feel better. And sometimes what makes me feel better is just making fun of some jackass. … And it’s important to me that these people know that harassing me online is not a consequence-free hobby.”

The Filmmaker Who Casts Only Cardboard Actors

“[Guy] Brunet makes his own actors and builds his film sets from found cardboard boxes that he cuts and paints. He paints film posters on old architectural plans and other large paper scraps that he tapes together. He also writes his own screenplays, lends his voice to all the characters in his movies, and even draws the DVD covers for his films.”