Movie Studio Paid Smithsonian $550,000 To Use Name

“It’s the first time the Smithsonian name has appeared in a title produced for theatrical distribution– not just any movie, of course, but the sequel to “Night at the Museum,” which made $250 million when it came out two years ago. The studio approached the Smithsonian about setting the film in D.C., and officials spent six months reading scripts until approving the final version last month.”

Ground-Zero Arts Center In Jeopardy

“Fundraising for the center, which would cost hundreds of millions of dollars, hasn’t begun. Ongoing construction of other buildings at the site — including an office tower, a transit hub and a Sept. 11 memorial — have complicated building prospects. State and city officials are now considering moving the center off the site, on top of a nearby subway station.”

The Art Of Sound

Bruce Odland is a longtime composer and “sonic thinker” and he “wants people to question their audible world – and perhaps even enjoy some of those accidental sounds transformed into a type of music. The unintentional noises – the motors, ventilators, disc drives – have meaning, he says. But to absorb that meaning, we have to learn again to listen.”