Making A Depression-Style Dance Marathon Into A New Theatre Piece

In the work they call Dance Marathon, performance troupe Bluemouth Inc. wanted “to draw parallels between the Great Depression and what was in 2008 a nascent economic downturn.” They found that audiences wanted to participate rather than merely watch – and they were startled as people’s competitive juices began flowing and the show morphed into a genuine dance endurance contest.

Giotto Frescos In Padua Could Be Endangered By New Construction

“[The paintings] in the 14th century Scrovegni Chapel, are now said to be threatened by a symbol of the modern world: a futuristic 30-storey tower of flats, shops and offices” just across the Bacchiglione River. Critics “warn that digging the tower’s foundations will affect drainage across the area and could cause subsidence of the chapel walls, on which the frescoes are painted.”

Booker Winner (And Booker Snub-ee) Alan Hollinghurst Doesn’t Worry About Prizes Because Hello, He’s Busy Writing

“‘The Booker made me a lot of money. I didn’t realise that all over the world, people will read a book just because it won the Booker prize.’ A delicious pause. ‘Not something I would do myself… But then one goes into some quite other, private region to produce a book.’ He gives me a knowing look. ‘I think the Booker can drive people quite mad. That’s why it’s good to be detached from it.'”

Author Neil Gaiman Gives Graduation Speech; Millions (Well, Thousands – Online, Anyway) Swoon

“‘The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you: your voice, your mind, your story, your vision,’ the British-born, Minneapolis-based novelist and screenwriter told the 526 newly minted graduates. ‘So write and draw and dance and play as only you can. … Leave the world more interesting for your being here.'”