‘Singularly Clueless’ And ‘A Shade Disingenuous’: Anne Midgette On The Current Sexist-Critics-Vs.-Singers-Of-Size Brouhaha

“Mentioning a singer’s looks may be relevant in some cases, but dismissing a strong vocal performance as a ‘problem’ because of those looks seems to me singularly clueless. Opera’s history has been full of the physiques that gave birth to the fat-lady cliché. To suddenly act as though credible looks represented the ultimate criterion of a successful performance is at the very least confusing.”

Saudi Arabia To Spend $1.7 Billion To Build 230 Museums

While Saudi art up to the present day will be included in the scheme, the emphasis is on archaeology. “‘Islam is a great religion and through its openness and sustain­ability it has enlightened the rest of the world,’ said Prince Sultan. ‘But if we only research the history of Saudi Arabia post 610AD and say nothing about our history before then, we are belittling Islam.'”

Is Fear Of Failure Holding China Back?

“Business leaders like Steve Jobs who bounced back from embarrassing failure to reach their greatest success are a common American archetype, and a common motif for the TED Talk set. But in China, where entrepreneurship is a newer phenomenon and millions are only recently emerging from poverty, the idea that you need to fail before you can succeed is a tougher sell.”