‘A Twisty Tale Of Mayhem And Allegorical Ridiculousness’ – 20 Years Of Pig Iron Theatre Company

Co-founder Dito van Reigersberg says the company was “super-not-built-to-last, which is maybe why it did. The three of us were really interested in working together on projects, not in creating an institution, so we fashioned just enough infrastructure to support the plays we wanted to make – an impulse that kept us pretty scrappy.”

So You Want To See ‘Hamilton’ On Tour? Better Subscribe To Our Entire Season (And The Next One, Too)

“In many cities, theaters are encouraging potential patrons to subscribe to their 2016-17 seasons, even though Hamilton won’t arrive until the following season, with the promise that those who subscribe now – and then renew – will be guaranteed Hamilton tickets and can lock in their chosen subscription seats.”