Vancouver Art Gallery To Move, Double In Size

“The VAG will move into a new building on land occupied until now by the Plaza of Nations in Vancouver near BC Place. The gallery will double in size in its new home to 320,000 square feet. A call for designs for the new VAG will go out to architects in the fall, and construction is expected to start in 2011. The move won’t happen for several years — probably in 2013.”

NEA Presses US Literature Into Diplomatic Service

“The Big Read Egypt/US will involve reciprocal promotions of three celebrated American writers in Egypt, and just the one Egyptian writer in the States. Naguib Mahfouz’s The Thief and the Dogs will be America’s reading book, while Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird and John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath will be the focus of reading groups and other events in Cairo and Alexandria.”

For Sale – A Surrealist Manifesto

“The only known complete manuscript of Andre Breton’s Surrealist Manifesto of 1924 – one of the most influential documents in modern art – will be sold by Sotheby’s in Paris tomorrow. To the annoyance of art critics, the document is to be sold separately from eight other Breton manuscripts which are associated with the first published version of the manifesto.”