Hollywood Women – Missing At The Top

“The summer movie machine is in full swing, and, once again, it’s almost impossible to find a studio film with a woman at the helm during the season that provides more than 40% of the year’s box-office revenue. According to Media by Numbers, all 30 of the 30 top-grossing films from last summer were directed by men. According to my informal survey of major studio films from this summer, only two — “Mamma Mia!” and “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2” — are directed by women.”

Random House Gets A New CEO

Markus Dohle, “head of a printing unit at Bertelsmann’s Arvato division, replaces Peter W. Olson, who has had the job since 1998, but was hampered by losses at the unit amid a wider slowdown in sales of books. New York-based Random House’s imprints include Alfred A. Knopf and Doubleday, and its authors include John Grisham, Sophie Kinsella and Jonathan Kellerman.”

Study: 16 Percent Of US Science Teachers Are Creationists

“The researchers polled a random sample of nearly 2000 high-school science teachers across the US in 2007. Of the 939 who responded, 2% said they did not cover evolution at all, with the majority spending between 3 and 10 classroom hours on the subject. However, a quarter of the teachers also reported spending at least some time teaching about creationism or intelligent design.”