Dogs Have Grasp Of Deceit And Morality, Say Researchers (Dog Owners Already Knew)

“Watch a couple of dogs play, and you’ll probably see seemingly random gestures, lots of frenetic activity and a whole lot of energy being expended. But decades of research suggest that beneath this apparently frivolous fun lies a hidden language of honesty and deceit, empathy and perhaps even a humanlike morality.” (includes video and slide show)

Can Conservatives Actually Do Comedy? (And What Do They Find Funny, Anyway?)

Frank Rich: “It’s an article of faith on the right that conservative comedians, like conservative entertainment-industry workers in general, are either blacklisted by Hollywood’s liberal mafia or are in daily danger of being so, thus giving the left a near monopoly on comedy as practiced in the vast cultural swing district of American television. … Still, the hysteria of the anti-Colbert claque made me look at the right’s case again.”

Not Your Grandfather’s Children’s Theatre

“Theatre for children and young people has changed a great deal in recent years. It tackles many subjects traditionally considered too weighty for a young audience. These range from death … to the environment … We even tackled the banking crisis in 2013’s Bank On It, a show about economics for five to 10-year-olds.”

Dances With Drones

“Surrounded by an all-white stage, sprinkled with black computer monitors facing the audience, the three dancers and their accompanying drones put on a mesmerizing and eerie display. … Upon first viewing, I had so many questions. What does it mean to make beauty with drones? Why is this tension between human dancer and robot so palpably moving? Is this a gimmick?” (includes video)

Will Kickstarter Save Culture Funding?

Five years after it began, “Kickstarter has funded more than 60,000 projects all over the world, from organic food companies and public parks, to photography exhibitions, museums and fashion lines. It has given life to new novels, operas and musicals, a skatepark in Philadelphia, an underwater robot, several mini satellites, and…”