The First-Ever $100,000 Chamber Music Prize Has A Winner

The grand prize at the inaugural M-Prize Chamber Arts Competition, held at the University of Michigan, was won by the Calidore String Quartet of New York. The competition, created by Sphinx Competition founder Aaron Dworkin, has divisions for strings and winds as well as an open category which covers percussion groups, mixed ensembles, and other combinations.

Is Translation, As It Wins Literary Prize Money, Finally Being Recognized As An Art?

“Something skewed does occur during the translation process, at least when you are translating a good book: as a translator, while you pick away at the prose and twist the kaleidoscope of possible meanings to create the most subjective and vital translation you can, you become closer to the book than the author, who is often usually already onto the next project. You become the book’s guardian.”

What Makes Bad Writing So Darn Bad?

“It’s possible that you’ve never had to read 80,000 words of bad writing. The friend of a friend’s novel. I have. On numerous occasions. If you ask around, I’m sure you’ll be able to find a really bad novel easily enough. I mean a novel by someone who has spent isolated years writing a book they are convinced is a great work of literature. And when you’re reading it you’ll know it’s bad, and you’ll know what bad truly is.”