Author Of An Officer And A Gentleman Musical Smacks Back At Show’s Harshest Review

Douglas Day Stewart, screenwriter of the Oscar-winning film and co-writer of the stage show: “After four decades in this business I can tell you this was not a review by any standards. It was an ‘execution’ by someone clearly unable to feel human emotion, or to put it in a kinder way, by someone whose highbrow tastes do not represent you.”

Spoilers Just Make You Enjoy The Story More (According To Research)

“[In] a controlled experiment, ‘subjects significantly preferred spoiled over unspoiled stories in the case of both … ironic twist stories and … mysteries.’ In fact, it seems ‘that giving away … surprises makes readers like stories better.’ perhaps because of the ‘pleasurable tension caused by the disparity in knowledge between the omniscient reader and the character’.”

Philip K. Dick, Gnostic Philosopher

“[His] vision is not quite Christian in the traditional sense; it is Gnostical: it is the mystical intellection, at its highest moment a fusion with a transmundane or alien God who is identified with logos and who can communicate with human beings in the form of a ray of light or, in Dick’s case, hallucinatory visions.” (All this from a dose of sodium pentothal …)

Beyond L.A.’s Giant Rock: The Logistics Of Getting A Henry Moore Sculpture Into A London Gallery

“The epic seriousness, the male and female interplay, the weathered air of age: Henry Moore’s Large Two Forms evoke all these things in their first ever indoor show at the Gagosian Gallery in London. Yet they also pose a rather mundane question: how on earth did that get in here? Extremely carefully, is the short answer.”