Alabama Public Television Just Blocked Broadcast Of The Cartoon Wedding Of A Rat And An Aardvark

“When the children’s television show Arthur made headlines last week for an episode in which the beloved teacher Mr. Ratburn marries his male aardvark partner, Alabama viewers saw only a rerun of an old episode.” In explanation, APT’s programming director said in a statement, “parents trust that their children can watch APT without their supervision.” – Slate

Did We Just Get A Sign That Hilary Mantel Has Finished Her Cromwell Trilogy?

“On Tuesday (21st May), Waterstones Piccadilly sparked excitement online when it tweeted out a prominent sign, said to be spotted in London’s Leicester Square, which appeared to hint at news on the novel, titled The Mirror and the Light.” The sign has since disappeared from the billboard, and HarperCollins has no comment. – The Bookseller (UK)

Everyone Thought Aretha Franklin Left No Will. Turns Out She May Have Left Three

“In a court filing on Monday, the personal representative of Ms. Franklin’s estate disclosed that three handwritten documents had been discovered just weeks ago at Ms. Franklin’s home — one in a spiral notebook under her sofa cushions, the others in a locked cabinet — and asked a Michigan probate judge to decide whether any of them are valid wills.” – The New York Times