One Of The World’s Great Collections Of Soviet Avant-Garde Art, All Saved From Stalin, Is In Deepest Uzbekistan

And “deepest” doesn’t mean Tashkent, Samarkand, or the other Silk Road cities visited by tourists; this is in far-off Nukus, near the now-dead Aral Sea. Yet this distance from Soviet power centers is the reason an ex-electrician could amass the trove of once-forbidden art at the Savitsky Museum. – The Guardian

Get Ready: Now We Have Virtual Celebrities (And They’re Popular)

Miquela Sousa, also known as Lil Miquela, is a fictional character created by a Los Angeles startup called Brud. Miquela has 1.5m followers on Instagram, where she shares pictures of her imaginary life and proclaims her support for LGBT rights and Black Lives Matter. In the past few years, the virtual model has become a veritable celebrity: starring in Ugg ads, interviewing artists at Coachella and collaborating with Prada.  – The Guardian

Germany Is Returning Stolen Papers Of Kafka Executor Max Brod To Israel

“[The handover] will end a decade-long struggle to retrieve the missing Brod papers which, according to Israel’s National Library, were stolen 10 years ago in Tel Aviv. The documents, letters and memoirs re-emerged in 2013, when two Israelis approached the German Literary Archives in Marbach, and private collectors, with a huge collection of unpublished documents belonging to Brod.” – Yahoo! (AFP)