Composer Henri Dutilleux, 97

“Known for his symphonies, concertos and other orchestral pieces, he was prized for his subtle blends of ear-catching colors and formal rigor. Though steeped in the French modernist tradition that spans Debussy through Messiaen and Boulez, Dutilleux was also notably independent minded, unwilling to chase the latest fashions.”

Lydia Davis Wins Man Booker International Prize For Her (Very) Short Stories

“Davis – who has only written one novel – beat out a shortlist of 10 contenders for the 60,000-pound ($90,800) prize that included two authors banned in their home countries, the youngest ever nominee and one shortlisted for the second time.” The American author won “for a body of work that includes some of the briefest tales ever published.”

The World’s Largest Youth Arts Festival Is Beginning – But Did Anyone Tell The Target Audience?

The Come Out Festival, which opens this week, has been taking place in Adelaide, Australia for four decades. But when Shona Benson asked around the city, she got fond-but-vague memories from adults and blank stares from teenagers (who showed interest once she filled them in, and obvious tie-ins in the national media have been going unmade. What gives?

China’s Museum Boom Doesn’t Necessarily Include Museum Visitors

“In recent years, about 100 museums have opened annually here, peaking at nearly 400 in 2011, according to the Chinese Society of Museums. The frenzied construction of cultural infrastructure follows earlier building binges involving roads and bridges. But it’s harder to manage a museum than a highway. For one thing, you need to fill museums with worthwhile exhibits and visitors.”