Culture Wars Down Under: Magazine Fans Flames Of Sydney-vs-Melbourne Rivalry

Limelight, the Australian Broadcasting Corp.’s performing arts magazine, has cooked up a vicious, vicious video inviting us all to decide which city is Australia’s cultural capital. (The magazine has also done a serious study of the two cities’ offerings in seven categories, but only print subscribers are allowed to read it.)

Questions With No Answers As China Continues To Imprison Art Shippers

“The director of a China-based art shipping company that had two employees detained by Chinese customs officials at the end of March says he is concerned for their health and has not heard from them since police took them into custody. The pair are being held as part of a probe into alleged undervaluation of works of art imported into the mainland.”

Why Can’t We Leave Dead Musicians Alone? (There’s A Name For It)

“It’s called the ‘death effect’ and it’s the same for actors, authors and artists — whether it’s an increase in exposure or a supply-induced demand (no more painter, no more paintings), public hunger for a person’s work grows exponentially following their passing. When it comes to musicians, however, the situation has the added element of necromancy, a sort of pop culture-tinged resurrection.”

Art Thieves In Detroit Make Off With Warhol, Beuys, Larry Rivers

“The FBI says that sometime between April 27-29, an Andy Warhol silk screen used to produce Flowers and 18 works by other artists were stolen from a business in Detroit’s Corktown neighborhood.” The collection “includes drawings, prints and paintings by artists such as Larry Rivers, Francesco Clemente, Philip Taaffe, Peter Schuyff and Joseph Beuys.”