Baltimore’s Contemporary Museum ‘Suspends Operations’

“The Contemporary’s board voted unanimously to suspend its work, cutting short an exhibit scheduled to continue through May 27, and letting go executive director Sue Spaid and four part-time staffers.” Said the board president, “We are not shutting down. The museum is ceasing its programs for the time being. How long that’s going to be is everyone’s guess.”

Dia Art Foundation Announces Its Plan To Return To Manhattan

“Almost a year ago, after years of negotiations, Dia bought the former Alcamo Marble building at 541 West 22nd Street in Chelsea for $11.5 million. The purchase was a coup for Dia because that building sits between its former space at No. 545, and its existing six-story building at No. 535. With this additional site Dia can build a substantial 22,000-square-foot Manhattan home.”

A (Slightly) Contrarian View Of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau

Terry Teachout: “Mr. Fischer-Dieskau was also one of the most controversial artists of his age, or any other. For every vocal connoisseur who praised him to the skies, another dismissed his singing as ‘mannered’ and ‘croony,’ and it was not until after he retired in 1993 that the carping ceased and he came to be regarded as above criticism.”