Nuri Bilge Ceylan’s Slow And Steady Climb To The Cannes Palme d’Or

“For more than a decade, the Turkish director … has been reliably bringing a movie to the Cannes Film Festival every time he had a new one [Distant, Climates, Three Monkeys, Once Upon a Time in Anatolia] … at intervals of about every three years. He won at least one prize each time out.” This year, with Winter Sleep, he’s reached the summit.

Keep Spinoza Excommunicated!

For almost 90 years, fans of the philosopher have been agitating for his 1656 expulsion from the Portuguese-Jewish community of Amsterdam to be overturned. When that community’s leaders considered undoing that decree in 2012, they asked Spinoza scholar Steven Nadler for advice. He told them “there were no good historical or legal reasons for lifting the ban, and rather good reasons against lifting it.” Here, he explains why.

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