The Future Of Music Is Streaming. Or So We Thought?

“A YouGov survey last week produced the interesting statistic that only 6 per cent of 35-55 year olds subscribe to a music streaming service. As you’d expect, 16 per cent of 14-34 year olds have subscriptions, and only 3 per cent of those over 55 are signed up. Still, that Gen X figure sticks out a little. The reasons put forward for disliking streaming include complexity of existing services, the subscription angle, and the fact that CDs and radio are easier to use.”

Real-Time Computer Translation – Did These Folks Just Invent A Real Babel Fish?

Well, no, not an actual creature that swims into your ear canal and feeds off brain wave radiation, with instant translation from any language as its excretions. (That would actually prove the existence of God – until it didn’t.) “Last week, New York City-based Waverly Labs announced its recent invention, Pilot, a set of two ear buds that costs $299. Scheduled to be released by spring of 2017, the device purports to offer near-simultaneous translation for four languages.”

The Elusive Archetypal Millennial We’re All Chasing? Doesn’t Exist!

“Sure, the demographic group exists as an amorphous bloc. But you are as likely to come upon an archetypal millennial as you are to run into Joe Sixpack or be invited to a barbecue at the median American household. It’s hard to believe this even needs to be said, yet here we are: Macroscale demographic trends rarely govern most individuals’ life and work decisions.”

Paris Opera Chief Says This Season Has Been Disastrous, Pleads With Staff Not To Strike

In a letter to company employees revealing that they won’t be receiving incentive bonuses for the previous season, general director Stéphane Lissner lists the problems: revenue off €2 million since the beginning of 2016; plunging ticket sales (reportedly down by €5 million), due partly to the terrorist attacks; performances cancelled due to demonstrations by the intermittents … (in French; Google Translate version here)