Burnout Is Declared An Official Medical Diagnosis By World Health Organization

“Burnout now appears in the [WHO handbook] ICD-11’s section on problems related to employment or unemployment. According to the handbook, doctors can diagnose someone with burnout if they meet the following symptoms:
1. feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
2. increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job;
3. reduced professional efficacy.” – CNN

Police In India Have Been Arresting Young Men For Playing Country’s Most Popular Video Game

Video game culture in general in India is relatively new. So when PUBG (official name PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) skyrocketed in popularity in the months after its release, a nervous backlash developed among those given to moral panics, with warnings about the game’s violence and addictiveness. But the major cities in the state of Gujarat went farther, actually banning the game — and that ban wasn’t just for show. – BuzzFeed

The “Most Dangerous Art Ever” – A Laptop Loaded With Viruses – Sells For $1.3 Million

Dubbed “The Persistence of Chaos,” the Samsung NC10 contains six viruses that have caused an estimated $95 billion in damages. Despite what you might think, it’s not meant to be a tool for any world domination scheme. It’s intended strictly as an art piece — though it could be used for academic purposes — and it’s currently isolated and air-gapped to prevent foul play. – Engadget

Noah Webster Didn’t Just Create A Dictionary — He Wanted To Establish One American National Language

Emphasis on the one. “For Webster, new nationhood provided unique opportunities for language reform — opportunities that would fade quickly, he warns, if not grabbed before America’s language, like Britain’s, deteriorated owing to homegrown ‘corruptions’ such as regional dialects, affectation, nostalgia for English manners and customs, class divisions, and innumerable other evils.” – The Atlantic

For The First Time, Meredith Monk Allows Another Director To Stage Her Work

Says Yuval Sharon, who’s directing a revival of ATLAS for the Los Angeles Philharmonic, “It’s a big deal to me, and it’s a very big deal to Meredith. It’s a huge risk on one hand, but I feel it’s coming at a really important moment. The transference of her ideas is central to who she is and how she works.” – San Francisco Classical Voice