Platforms Instead Of Corporations – Is This A Better Way To Work?

Collaboration tools are opening up space for manager-free forms of work. And contracting costs are likely to fall markedly thanks to the advent of blockchain protocols – algorithms that replace trusted third parties, and instead automatically verify transactions using a huge digital ledger, spread across multiple computers. As a result of these innovations, a new way of working is emerging: a series of interactions that are open, skills-based and software-optimised. Where once we had the ‘corporation’, instead we are witnessing the ascendancy of the ‘platform’. The question is: should we see this as a promise, or a threat?

Kaywin Feldman: The Most Challenging Time To Be An Arts Leader

“In my 25-year career as a museum director, I have not seen a more challenging time to be an arts leader; the national and global political climates have created a situation in which our essential principles are under attack. It is not appropriate for a public museum to take positions in partisan politics. We must, however, stand up for what we believe in and defend our values.”

I Have No Control Over TV Version Of ‘Handmaid’s Tale’, And That’s Fine, Says Margaret Atwood

The author wants the people who are upset about how the series’s second season has diverged from her novel to relax: “It’s a television series. If you’re going to have a series you can’t kill off the central character and you also can’t have the central character escape to safety in episode one of season two. It’s not going to happen.”

‘Fearless’ French Filmmaker Claire Denis Has Inspired Young American Directors

Barry Jenkins, director of the Best Picture Oscar-winning Moonlight, is a fan. And her actors appreciate that she deeply understands her medium. “Alex Descas, one of the actors with whom Denis has worked longest, and who credits her with writing complicated, realistic roles for black actors at a time when few others did, described her artistic mode succinctly: ‘Film is not theatre,’ he told me.”

Giuliani Vs The Holy Virgin Mary: How Chris Ofili And MoMA Won And Hizzoner Lost

“After a tumultuous stay in the United States, a stint in Tasmania, and three years in the art collection of Steven A. Cohen, the hedge-fund billionaire — whose company, in 2013, paid a fine of $1.8 billion after pleading guilty to charges of insider trading — The Holy Virgin Mary, the British artist Chris Ofili’s painting of a black Madonna, adorned with elephant dung, is soon to be installed in the Museum of Modern Art.” Tyler Foggatt recounts the story and suggests a reason why the artwork went the places it did.