Neuroscience And Neighborhood Blight

“Blocks and neighborhoods aren’t concrete concepts that mean the same thing to everyone, unlike, say, things like ‘apple’ or ‘sky.’ Points of reference shift depending on the person that’s using that reference, so blocks/neighborhoods are more like alternate realities laid atop one another, like plastic sheets on an overhead projector. There’s even a phrase for the study of this murky concept: mental maps. They can help us understand why some neighborhoods thrive, others die, and how changes are made.”

Can A New App Bring Young People To Broadway?

There’s certainly a market opportunity. The global theater industry generates tens of billions of dollars in revenue each year. That puts theater in comparable territory to the global film industry, which according to the MPAA made $36.4 billion in revenue in 2014. Yet approximately twenty percent of tickets go unsold on Broadway, and about thirty percent go unsold in London’s West End, TodayTix says.

Anti-Democratic? Why Do Museums Hide So Much Of Their Collections?

“Big museums have long refused to recognize their unexhibited collections of duplicates and minor works as a financial resource. As a consequence, they are wasting value by keeping these works hidden. If they were redistributed to smaller institutions, and even to private collectors and businesses, they would fund an explosion of the value for which we have museums in the first place: people looking at art and getting more out of it when they do.”

Silicon Valley Has Been Great For Art! (No It Hasn’t)

“The global industry of technology has so many synergies with art and it’s such a creative community that it only made sense to bring a high quality fair to Silicon Valley. We believe they will be the next great caretakers of the art market. You could talk about just the wealth and you need a certain level of affluence to collect art, but we think it’s beyond that.”

Saudi Arabia Is Mired In Artistic Conservatism. But Once Upon A Time, Not So Long Ago…

Jeddah, the “ancient city near Mecca is home to one of the world’s most spectacular arrays of open-air modern sculpture. Perhaps aware of the kudos its neighbours are getting from their Guggenheim branches and skyscrapers, Jeddah has just restored these modernist marvels and moved a selection into a new seaside sculpture park.”

‘Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time’, ‘Hamilton’ Win Big At 2015 Drama Desk Awards

“Off Broadway hit Hamilton and Tony contender The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time topped the 2015 Drama Desk Awards, with Hamilton taking seven awards including the title for new musical, and Curious Incident claiming six including the award for outstanding play. Broadway musical An American in Paris, one of the frontrunners in the Tony race with a dozen nominations, danced away with four trophies.”