14,000-Year-Old Cave Paintings Discovered In Spain

“Archaeologists in Spain have come across an extraordinary series of Paleolithic-era paintings in Basque Country’s Atxurra cave that they estimate date as far back as 14,000 years. The 70 or so animal drawings lie nearly 1,000 feet underground, which made access difficult when archaeologists first found the site in 1929 and during excavations carried out by José Miguel de Barandiarán five years later.”

Does Ballet Have A Massive Sexism Problem?

“The bodies that represent an art form are female, but the minds moving those bodies around on stage — for the last century and in the coming one — are mostly male. Dancers come and go. Choreographers can enjoy a kind of eternal life, and immortality shouldn’t be granted to one gender but withheld from another.”

Houston Grand Opera’s Pretty Good Year

“The group also reported that it added 68 new patrons this season and sold out nine performances, bringing in a total of 75,925 patrons. During its 61st season HGO presented eight main-stage productions, as it did last season, for a total of 47 performances. Next season, it’s slated to host 42 main-stage performances and two free shows.”