Prince Post-Death Sales Smash Beatles Record

“For the first full sales week following Prince’s death on April 21, five of his albums were in Billboard’s top 10, at Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. Only Beyoncé’s Lemonade kept him from the top. Billboard says no artist has had that many albums in the Top 10. Prince had 19 discs in Billboard’s top 200, beating a record of 14 previously set by the Beatles.”

When The Language Of Of Art Became Americanized

“Even today, music fans ask why British soul singers sound so American. Why do Paul McCartney, Adele, Mick Jagger, and Elton John take on a Yankee tone when they shift from talking to singing? And it’s not just music. The same patterns of influence and dissemination can also be traced in movies, novels, and other creative fields.”

Two Neuroscientists Try To Figure Out A Microprocessor (It Doesn’t Go Well)

Last week, the duo uploaded their paper, titled “Could a neuroscientist understand a microprocessor?” after a classic from 2002. It reads like both a playful thought experiment (albeit one backed up with data) and a serious shot across the bow. And although it has yet to undergo formal peer review, other neuroscientists have already called it a “landmark paper”, a “watershed moment”, and “the paper we all had in our minds but didn’t dare to write”.

Seth Meyers And The Staff Of ‘Saturday Night Live’ Pick The Greatest Lonely Island Digital Short Of All Time

“In March of [Andy] Samberg’s final season, Seth Meyers, SNL‘s head writer at the time, had an idea: a bracket, voted on by the staff of the show, to determine the greatest digital short of all time.” As it turned out, one of the most popular of them all (over 150 million online views) didn’t even make it past the first round of voting. (And “Andy Popping Into Frame” didn’t even make the ballot, so feh!)