Thoreau Wasn’t A Righteous, Grumpy Old Recluse – He Was A Sensualist, An Activist, A Social Creature, And A Kitten Rescuer

Holland Cotter, who loved Thoreau in his youth and then fell away, visits an exhibit at the Morgan Library and discovers that the writer was attuned to and thrilled by sound and touch and taste, a devoted family man (though unmarried himself) whom children loved, and such a committed abolitionist that his family house was a stop on the Underground Railroad.

France’s Longest-Serving TV Anchor Abruptly Fired By State Broadcaster

For 16 years, David Pujadas has been the face of primetime news on [France Télévisions] … In a surprise announcement, France 2 said Pujadas’s long broadcast career with the channel would be coming to an end. … The news came the day after Pujadas’s 8pm news programme recorded its highest audience of the season, beating its closest rival, the private channel TF1.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 06.01.17

Belonging gone bad
The idea of “belonging” has long been a key point of aspiration and advocacy for the arts. Art builds empathy. Art builds community. Art infuses a sense of belonging into a world so desperate for … read more
AJBlog: The Artful Manager Published 2017-06-01

Other Matters: Meet The Stamps Quartet
As I was writing liner notes for the next album by Cyrus Chestnut, the research led me to a remarkable performance of its title song. Published in 1989, “Sweet, Sweet Spirit” by … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2017-06-01


Why Indie Opera Is So Cool, Fun, And Interesting

Today’s “indie opera” outfits are making do with less money than what even our country’s regional-level companies enjoy, so it’s no surprise that chamber-size realizations are often necessary. But what’s so pleasing about Heartbeat Opera’s “Butterfly” is how well its artistic intentions dovetail with its limited means.

Peter Oundjian To Step Down As Toronto Symphony Music Director; Andrew Davis Named Interim MD

“Over his 14-year directorship, Oundjian grew to be the energetic face of a revitalized TSO, steering the Orchestra out of deep financial ruin in the process – according to the TSO’s annual reports available from the 2006/07 season onwards, the organization ran yearly operational surpluses except for the 2009/10, 2011/12, and 2012/13 seasons. While the move isn’t surprising at all, the other news is that Sir Andrew Davis will return to fill in as Interim Artistic Director through 2020 until a permanent successor is found.”