Iraq’s National Museum Is Open Again – Now People Have To Start Coming

“Guides and curators say the museum has averaged about 300 visitors a day since it reopened [in February] … Those who do brave the risks of terrorist attacks and the traffic, which is snarled by regular checkpoints, say they are thrilled to see the museum’s collection, which has been largely closed to the public for the past 20 years.”

Jean Ritchie, Appalachian Folk Song Legend, Dead At 92

“With her clear, uninflected soprano voice, Ms. Ritchie helped spark renewed interest in traditional folk music. She became a fixture at Greenwich Village coffeehouses and often appeared on the New York radio broadcasts of folk singer Oscar Brand and occasionally on television. She played a key role in introducing younger musicians to the mountain dulcimer, an elongated stringed instrument that she strummed on her lap while singing.”

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House Passes Bill that Could Make U.S. Museums a Temporary Safe Haven for Syrian Art
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Second act: Sylvie Guillem and the changing shape of a dance career
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A Lew Soloff Memorial
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An Expansive Vision For LA’s Music Center, Led By The LA Phil

“The Music Center at 50 is a mature performing arts center. Its newest venue, Frank Gehry’s celebrated Walt Disney Concert Hall — already an L.A. icon — turns 12 in the fall. Next year, the Museum of Contemporary Art’s Arata Isozaki building reaches its third decade. The Broad museum is almost finished. All this can be found concentrated within three blocks, clearly positioning Grand Avenue as one of the country’s most important arts destinations.”

This Opera Mashup Breaks All The Usual Rules

“In doing so, they have broken about 100 classical-music rules all at once. They have “destroyed the integrity” of the original pieces. They have combined works intended to be presented separately. They have added a story that wasn’t there in the original. They’ve changed the order of the pieces. They’re butting up musical languages, two centuries removed, that have nothing to do with one another.”

A Conspiracy Of Movie Theatres? US Justice Department Investigates

“New Securities and Exchange Commission filings by cinema giants AMC and Regal confirm earlier reports that the government is investigating potential anti-competitive activity on the part of America’s biggest movie theater chains. The filings disclose the Department of Justice is looking into whether those companies used joint ventures and exclusivity agreements with movie studios in violation of antitrust laws.”

Broadway Has Been Taken Over By The Brits (Again!)

“Broadway Anglophilia is certainly not a new phenomenon. With its august tradition of theatrical excellence, Britain has long been exporting its top-tier thespians to our shores, and this talent has cultivated a taste for language tautly delivered and wit served extra dry. Yet the current wave of British stars stands apart from previous generations.”