Voice Interfaces Are Starting To Take Over Our Lives

“Mumbling ‘buy more paper towels’ into the air in your kitchen is about as frictionless as a user experience can get—compared to opening up Amazon on your computer or phone, searching for paper towels, adding them to your cart, and checking out. That makes Alexa—the machine-borne personality that lives inside Echo devices—the ultimate salesperson, and she’s just getting started.”

Do Movie Box Office Boycotts Work?

What extent do these buzzy boycotts actually affect the spending habits of the general moviegoer? Users of Twitter, where protest hashtags are predominant, reflect only 23 percent of all Internet users, many of them young, affluent, and living in urban areas, according to the Pew Research Center. Moviegoers, meanwhile, are a very diverse bunch, spanning all ages, geographic locations, and household incomes.

Voice-Recognition Technology Will Kill ‘All Things Considered’, Says Ex-NPR Exec

Steve Lickteig: “Here’s what I think the future sounds like: You will get in your car and say, ‘Play my news briefing, plus all of last night’s baseball scores, including highlights from the Yankees game. Oh, and give me last week’s Vows column from the New York Times.’ Then, like magic, your audio system will assemble this playlist. That news briefing you asked for? It will come from sources you pre-selected, places like NPR and news organizations yet to be created.”

Why Yannick’s New Job At The Met Is Good For Philadelphia (And Not Just For The Orchestra)

“The orchestra was able to retain Nézet-Séguin even as he was wooed by the Met – which is being seen as something of a feather in the cap of the city.” Said one local arts executive, “He could have so easily just walked away. Everyone is talking about attracting and retaining talent, and the fact that we’ve kept the talent is beyond brilliant. This is such a good story for Philadelphia.”