Dallas Symphony Gets A New Music Director

In addition to his post at the Zurich Opera, Fabio Luisi is the principal conductor of the Danish National Symphony Orchestra and is succeeding Zubin Mehta as the music director of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. Earlier this decade, many observers had expected Mr. Luisi to become the next music director of the Met. He won over critics and audiences while filling in for an ailing James Levine in the midst of a new production of Wagner’s “Ring” cycle, and was named principal conductor in 2011. But Mr. Levine returned after two seasons away and resumed his post.

What It Means For A Writer To Attain Global Fame

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie “called Americanah her ‘fuck-you book,’ by which she meant she no longer felt that she must be a dutiful literary daughter responsible for her country’s history: she would write what she felt like. Her first two novels had been written in the voices of characters who were younger and more naïve than she; the protagonist of Americanah, a young woman named Ifemelu, would be her equal.”

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Life As Family Woman And Celebrity

“In Lagos, she is as recognizable as the President. Her face is on billboards. People crowd around her at the airport. When she enters a restaurant, there is a ripple of recognition. Sometimes she will ask for the check and discover that someone else has paid for her meal. … She is admired as a Nigerian who has become an international celebrity, bringing renown to her country and a sense that now, for a Nigerian, anything is possible. But, because she is so visible, everything she does or says is scrutinized.”