TV Pilots Flee LA

Los Angeles is losing the TV pilot business. A new study reports that filming is down “23 percent from last year’s levels, costing more than 1,000 jobs and draining up to $70 million” from the local economy. “Twenty-five other states have used tax incentives to lure away pilot production, which takes place from February through May.”

Okay To Copy? We Wanna Know

What are consumers allowed to copy and in what form? British MPs want producers to clarify. “The MPs’ report made several recommendations and called on the Office of Fair Trading hasten the introduction of labelling regulations that would let people know what they can do with music and movies they buy online or offline.”

Tom Stoppard’s Czech Roots

Playwright Tom Stoppard left Czechoslovakia 68 years ago. “He has said that he is ‘English now’ but that at some level he has never stopped also being Czech. His mother’s death a few years ago may have subtly freed Stoppard to explore himself for traces of his origins. But no sudden self-discovery led to this play. It seems to have been prompted by reflecting on his friend Vaclav Havel’s moral and philosophical writings, and by reading about the background to the Czech ‘Chartist’ dissidents in the 1970s.”

A Device That Can “Hear” Everything

“Building a general radio that can receive and transmit, and attaching it to a software system that can fill in the gaps of what we normally think of as radio, is kind of like the Enterprise’s deflector dish: Give engineering 20 minutes and it can do anything the captain needs to move the plot along. One of Matt Ettus’ USRPs, with the right daughterboards and radio software, can capture FM, read GPS, decode HDTV, transmit over emergency bands and open garage doors.”

Free E-Books for All

Project Gutenberg and World eBook Library plan to make ‘a third of a million’ e-books available free for a month at the first World eBook Fair. Downloads will be available at the fair’s Web site from July 4, the 35th anniversary of Project Gutenberg’s founding, through Aug. 4. The majority of the books will be contributed by the World eBook Library. It otherwise charges $8.95 a year for access to its database of more than 250,000 e-books, documents and articles.”