Should Older Composers Be Excluded Because Of Their Age?

“People usually are not aware that they practice ageism–just as with other forms of discrimination–because their assumptions all point to a certain expectation they believe is true. With respect to composers, said expectation goes something like this: child prodigy enters school already a mature genius; impresses all of his/her professors; then sets the world on fire with his/her youthful vigor, technical wizardry, and creative talent while winning all sorts of competitions; and proceeds to redefine an art form for the betterment of humankind.”

From Swamplands To Vampires, Karen Russell Sees Things Through Teenage Boy’s Eyes

“I remember desperately wanting to write a story [for the latest collection] that was not from the point of view of an adolescent boy, because it had felt like that was exclusively what I had been doing. … I think, if given my druthers, everything I write would have everyone be like 13 to 15 in some kind of island morass, or some B horror movie Swiss Family Robinson situation. That just seems to be where I live, narratively.”