Is Martel’s ‘Harper Book Club’ Clever Or Snobbish?

Canadian novelist Yann Martel has been hand delivering a monthly book selection to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in an effort to get the Conservative politician to appreciate the arts. It’s a clever idea, perhaps, but not everyone is impressed with Martel’s initiative. “There’s something very snooty about the idea. How would you like to see a book pop up in your mailbox every couple weeks as a sort of bookish taunt?”

A New Kind Of Public Radio (But Will It Be Any Good?)

“The soft rollout of Chicago Public Radio’s new, experimental radio station/Web site hybrid continues this week, primarily on the Web for Chicago-area listeners. It’s called Vocalo, and it wants to be bold and adventurous like performance art for the radio. But will it be the good kind of performance art (very rare) or the which-half-wit-gave-this-quarter-wit-a-grant and when-will-he-put-his-pants-back-on kind (common)?”

Using Culture As A Haven For The War-Weary

An Iraqi man who refuses to give up on the decimated city of Baghdad opened an art gallery in the northern part of town last year, and has doggedly kept it open even as life continues to crumble all around him. “He has kept it alive with a relentless rotation of exhibits, lectures, poetry readings and film screenings. There is urgency to this schedule. Mr. Nassar believes that culture can provide a pathway out of the hate and fear overwhelming Iraq, and he is trying to marshal like-minded Iraqis to join his movement.”

No Court Battle Over Pops Brawl

All charges have been dropped (or declined to be pressed) in the now-infamous Boston Pops brawl. “Boston police threw both men out of Symphony Hall but did not arrest them. The incident made national news, and a few days later the police department reversed its decision not to pursue charges and assigned a detective to investigate.” That investigation will now be considered closed.

What If Tchaikovsky Had Seen A Shrink?

Many of the great composers of centuries past were well known to have battled depression, suicidal tendencies, and any number of other psychological ailments. But what if they’d had access to modern therapeutic techniques? Would treatment have given their artistic genius even more room to flourish, or would a happier life have stifled their creativity?

A Vintage Year For Dancers

Alastair Macaulay is impressed with the school of dance at Lincoln Center. “I suspect we will not look back on 2007 as a vintage year for the School of American Ballet. But where the average level is as high as shown in this ‘Gounod’ corps, there is no doubting that Kirstein’s school is in powerful shape.”