Why Curators? We’ve Become Irrelevant And Self-Delusional

“Once as curators we were preaching to the converted. Whoever dared to say that an empty shoe box in a museum was a joke was considered an imbecile. Today if you are not able as a curator to articulate in a comprehensible language why the shoe box is a masterpiece YOU are the imbecile. So I don’t think it is the fault of the audience if they reject certain obscure encrypted exhibitions or works of art.”

Orlando Ballet And Philharmonic Hire New CEOs

Caroline Miller “becomes the ballet’s seventh leader in five years. The leadership turmoil has been accompanied by significant financial struggles, even as the ballet seeks to raise millions for a new headquarters.” Christopher Barton “replaces veteran leader David Schillhammer, the only executive director the Philharmonic has ever known. The Phil has an unblemished record of balancing its budget but is in the midst of a large fundraising campaign to renovate its new home.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 06.07.16

Are You Getting Enough Bang for Your Buck?
In the National Center for Arts Research’s Edition 3 report on the health of the U.S. arts and cultural sector, we include insights on trends as well as updates on seven performance indices … If we look across two of these indices — Response to Marketing and People per Offering – together they tell a story about supply, demand, and the tension between marketing and engagement. … read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2016-06-07

A plan for diversity
in this post: Why diversity means more than simply selling tickets to diverse people. And why that might be impossible to do. And then – most happily – a bigger, more productive way to get diversity. … read more
AJBlog: Sandow Published 2016-06-07

Tuesday Recommendation: Ted Gioia’s New Book
Ted Gioia, How To Listen To Jazz (Basic Books).  Opposite the contents page of this concise book is a quote from Duke Ellington: “Listening is the most important thing in music.” It seems an obvious … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2016-06-07

Ten years after: on the giving of prizes to artists
From 2006: Of the giving of prizes there is no end, and it’s hard to think of a single one, however ostensibly prestigious, that hasn’t been devalued by the promiscuity and/or lack of discrimination … read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2016-06-07


Sydney Theatre Company At A Crossroads

With such momentous, truly original works that cut to Australian identity, greatness walks the stage of the STC, which was formed in 1978 and generated $38.3m in revenue last year. But now the company is scrambling to complete the programming of Jonathan Church’s unfinished 2017 season, to be announced early September, only after which the board will start looking for his replacement.